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Signatures v15

The security of the requests sent to the Upvest Investments API is ensured by the fact that all requests are signed with a signature algorithm that is defined in the IETF draft for HTTP Message Signatures v15.

This tutorial guides you through the necessary steps to implement HTTP signatures.


You can also use our open source HTTP Signature Proxy to immediately include HTTP signature functionality in an API testing tool of your choice.
HTTP signature proxy v1.3.8 and older uses v6 of algorithm, v1.3.9 and newer versions of signature proxy uses v15 of algorithm.

How HTTP signatures work

How to enable v15

To be able to make a request with v15 of signing, add the following version header:

Example version header

X-Signing-Proxy-Version: 15

HTTP request format

To be able to sign a request, the format of the request must contain all mandatory headers.

HTTP request body content-digest

For all requests that contain a body, the body content-digest must be calculated and added as a request header named content-digest, as described in the IETF draft for HTTP digest fields.

In summary, the digest calculation algorithm as used for the Investment API can be applied as follows:

  • Capture the entire request body's byte stream.
  • Calculate the SHA-512 hash of the body content.
  • Encode the resulting value using Base64 encoding
  • Add a request header named content-digest with this value: sha-512=:{digest value}:, where {digest value} is replaced by the result of the previous step.


Request bodyContent lengthcontent-digest header value
{"hello": "world"}18"sha-512=:WZDPaVn/7XgHaAy8pmojAkGWoRx2UFChF41A2svX+TaPm+AbwAgBWnrIiYllu7BNNyealdVLvRwEmTHWXvJwew==: "sha-512=:WZDPaVn/7XgHaAy8pmojAkGWoRx2UFChF41A2svX+TaPm+AbwAgBWnrIiYllu7BNNyealdVLvRwEmTHWXvJwew==:
{"key": "value"}16sha-512=:Hd9/AvGZkbjitW1+Ml8Fg1ux1mtcDYe6mLQjDyoowIWa3LM/PmwN2v9O+MjtQGrCA3EQWUL54dlgxKHyYbrucw==: sha-512=:Hd9/AvGZkbjitW1+Ml8Fg1ux1mtcDYe6mLQjDyoowIWa3LM/PmwN2v9O+MjtQGrCA3EQWUL54dlgxKHyYbrucw==:


The Investment API uses a strict configuration of the HTTP message signatures calculation algorithm and requires particular request components to be included in the signature calculation process.

The request signature is transported via two HTTP headers that must be present in all API requests:

Signature headers

Header nameDescriptionDocumentation
signature-inputMetadata for a message signature generated from components within the HTTP messageLink
signatureMessage signature generated from components within the HTTP messageLink

Signature components

To calculate the signature value for the request, the caller must prepare the signature input string and generate a signature of this input string with one of the supported signing algorithms.

The signature input string consists of several components, each of which is defined as a key-value pair. For each component, the key and the value are separated by a colon followed by a space.


component-key: component-value

To calculate the signature for a request to the Investment API, use the following list of components:

Component keyDescriptionDocumentationExample
@methodHTTP method of a request message.Link@method: POST
@pathTarget path of the HTTP request message.Link@path: /endpoint
@queryQuery component of the HTTP request message including '?' character.Link@query: ?param=value&foo-bar
authorizationHTTP header with authentication token.
NOTE: This component must be used for all requests except the [access-token-request] (/api/Access-Tokens#get-an-access-token-for-requested-scopes).
Linkauthentication: Bearer {access-token}
content-lengthHTTP header with the byte size of the entire HTTP request body.
NOTE: Only requests with a request body must contain this component.
Linkcontent-length: 15
content-typeHTTP header with media type of the HTTP request body.
NOTE: Only requests with a request body must contain this component.
Linkcontent-type: application/json
content-digestHTTP header with a checksum of the entire HTTP request body.
NOTE: Only requests with a request body must contain this component.
Linkcontent-digest: sha-512=:Hd9/AvGZkbjitW1+Ml8Fg1ux1mtcDYe6mLQjDyoowIWa3LM/PmwN2v9O+MjtQGrCA3EQWUL54dlgxKHyYbrucw==:
idempotency-keyOptional. HTTP header with an idempotency key.Linkidempotency-key:f53e65cc-1243-4ddc-945f-330ade3bce8b
upvest-client-idHTTP header with your tenant ID.Linkupvest-client-id:0df8d466-857d-443f-b411-a1b27b5db42e

Please note that the order of the component keys should be the same as the order in the signature.

Metadata of the @signature-params component

The component @signature-params contains signature metadata. Since they consist of several parts, they are connected by a semicolon (;) as a separator. The metadata consists of the following parts:


@signature-params: ("@method" "@path" "@query" "accept" "authorization" "content-length" "content-type" "content-digest" "idempotency-key" "upvest-client-id"); keyid = "8d4997a8-cf7a-4e51-adbb-401656a3e5c2"; created = 1633529659; expires = 1633529664; nonce = "o085M4cMgpbicuOL"
List of components keysComponent keys (see 'List of signature components' above) are separated by single spaces " ", enclosed in double quote ", and the entire list of component keys enclosed in brackets (...).("@method" "@path" "@query" "accept" "authorization" "content-length" "content-type" "digest" "idempotency-key" "upvest-client-id")
keyidUnique identifier of the signing key.keyid="8d4997a8-cf7a-4e51-adbb-401656a3e5c2"
createdThe creation date of the request, which is the same value as in the Date header of the request, but in unixtime format.created=1633529659
expiresOptional. The expiration date of the request, which is the same value as in the Expires header of the request, but in unixtime format.expires=1633529664
nonceA random unique value, which is generated for this signature.nonce="o085M4cMgpbicuOL"

Although the @signature-params component itself is a mandatory part of the signature input string, it is not included in this list here by convention. This behavior is not explicitly mentioned in the IETF draft, but can be implicitly derived from the examples given there.

How to calculate the signature

After all signature components are defined along with the @signature-paramscomponent, the following signature header values can be calculated.

Signature header values

Header valueDescriptionFormat
signature-inputThis HTTP header is a dictionary structured field RFC 8941. It contains the metadata for the HTTP message signature generated from the listed components of the HTTP message (which are defined in the IETF draft for HTTP message signatures).
The {signature params value} is equal to the value of the component @signature-params.
sig1={signature params value}

Example signature input

signature-input: sig1 = ("@method" "@path" "@query" "accept" "authorization" "content-length" "content-type" "content-digest" "idempotency-key" "upvest-client-id"); keyid ="8d4997a8-cf7a-4e51-adbb-401656a3e5c2"; created = 1633529659; expires = 1633529664;nonce = "o085M4cMgpbicuOL"
Header valueDescriptionFormat
signatureThis HTTP header is a dictionary structured field RFC 8941. It contains one message signature generated from the listed components of the HTTP message (which are defined in the IETF draft for HTTP message signatures). The{signature value} is equal to the calculated signature value.
The signature value is enclosed by the terminating and leading colons :.
sig1=:{signature value}:

Calculating the signature value

To calculate the signature value, proceed as follows:

  1. Take all signature components in the same order as the component keys listed in @signature-params.

  2. Add the @signature-params component to this list (even though it is not explicitly listed as a signature component in @signature-params itself).

  3. Merge them using the new line character as a delimiter - \n.

Example signature input string

"@method": POST
"@path"": /endpoint
"@query": ?a=b
"accept": application/json
"authorization": Bearer access-token
"content-length": 16
"content-type": application/json
"content-digest": sha-512=:Hd9/AvGZkbjitW1+Ml8Fg1ux1mtcDYe6mLQjDyoowIWa3LM/PmwN2v9O+MjtQGrCA3EQWUL54dlgxKHyYbrucw==:
"idempotency-key": 2133825797664cad
"upvest-client-id": 5ec16164-6173-461d-b90d-116d68f55b40
"@signature-params": ("@method" "@path" "@query" "accept" "authorization" "content-length" "content-type" "content-digest" "idempotency-key" "upvest-client-id");keyid="8d4997a8-cf7a-4e51-adbb-401656a3e5c2";created=1633529659;expires=1633529664;nonce="o085M4cMgpbicuOL"
  1. Calculate the signature using the signing key and then encode the resulting signature by using Base64 encoding.
The input string for the signature must not contain any terminating, leading, or additional spaces or line breaks.

Example signature header

signature: sig1=:MIGIAkIBwgt8M6z9WDdEoUOh/2c5zIQxKHfQalVKjepSGibcG2JD0PJ9FYOD65aq8L2FotNcDvWliJKFrdEwZNJCgMVrx7MCQgG8cMJ3dorHLDwmJpp93CdBRMujBWvIpL+dcVawRpzKXt6ZTNkuPLrHKOkKYRtVRyPrnBuG5T9A71VMGUOJFeo3oA==:

Implementing HTTP signatures

After you have calculated the signature, you will learn how to implement it in this section.

Note that here too, the individual steps are illustrated and explained with the help of an example, which is not generally valid.


Assume we have the following HTTP request:

POST /endpoint?a=b HTTP/1.1
host: server
accept: application/json
authorization: Bearer access-token
content-Length: 16
content-Type: application/json
date: Wed, 06 Oct 2021 16:14:19 CEST
expires: Wed, 06 Oct 2021 16:14:24 CEST
idempotency-key: 2133825797664cad
upvest-client-id: 5ec16164-6173-461d-b90d-116d68f55b40

{"key": "value"}

We sign this HTTP request with this private key, identified by a keyid of 8d4997a8-cf7a-4e51-adbb-401656a3e5c2:


In order for a request to be correct, we assume the following requirements:

  • The authentication and upvest-client-id headers are filled according to the 'Authentication' guide.
  • The content-length and content-type headers are set based on availability of the request body.
  • accept is set to one of the supported values according to the API specification.
  • date is set to the date and time the message was created.
  • Optional: The expires header is set to the date/time after which the response is considered out of date.
  • Optional: The idempotency-key header is set.

1. Calculating the request digest

This step is required only for requests that contain a request body.

digest = "sha-512=:" + base64( sha512( request.body ) ) + ":"

The resulting value for our example looks as follows:


2. Generating random request nonce

We use a simple random method that gives us 16 random characters from a specified alphabet:

nonce = random( "A-Za-z0-9", 16 )

We get the following nonce:

Make sure that the `nonce` value is unique for each API call.

3. Defining timestamps

created= now().ToUnixTime()
expires= now().add(expiration_duration).ToUnixTime()

created = 1633529659
expires =1633529664
`Expires` is optional but we strongly recommend using it and setting it to a few seconds after `created`.

4. Calculating the signature components

Please, note that the keys for calculation the signature components are quoted.

"@method": POST
"@path": /endpoint
"@query": ?a=b
"accept": application/json
"authorization": Bearer access-token
"content-length": 16
"content-type": application/json
"content-digest": sha-512=:Hd9/AvGZkbjitW1+Ml8Fg1ux1mtcDYe6mLQjDyoowIWa3LM/PmwN2v9O+MjtQGrCA3EQWUL54dlgxKHyYbrucw==:
"idempotency-key": 2133825797664cad
"upvest-client-id": 5ec16164-6173-461d-b90d-116d68f55b40

5. Calculating the @signature-params component

"@signature-params": ("@method" "@path" "@query" "accept" "authorization" "content-length" "content-type" "content-digest" "idempotency-key" "upvest-client-id");keyid="8d4997a8-cf7a-4e51-adbb-401656a3e5c2";created=1633529659;expires=1633529664;nonce="o085M4cMgpbicuOL"
Make sure that the order of the signature components is the same as the order of their keys as they are mentioned in `@signature-params`.

6. Calculating the request signature

  1. Combine the signature components with @signature-params in the signature input string by joining them with line breaks (\n):
"@method": POST
"@path": /endpoint
"@query": ?a=b
"accept": application/json
"authorization": Bearer access-token
"content-length": 16
"content-type": application/json
"content-digest": sha-512=:Hd9/AvGZkbjitW1+Ml8Fg1ux1mtcDYe6mLQjDyoowIWa3LM/PmwN2v9O+MjtQGrCA3EQWUL54dlgxKHyYbrucw==:
"idempotency-key": 2133825797664cad
"upvest-client-id": 5ec16164-6173-461d-b90d-116d68f55b40
"@signature-params": ("@method" "@path" "@query" "accept" "authorization" "content-length" "content-type" "digest" "idempotency-key" "upvest-client-id");keyid="8d4997a8-cf7a-4e51-adbb-401656a3e5c2";created=1633529659;expires=1633529664;nonce="o085M4cMgpbicuOL"
  1. Calculate the signature using the signing key and encode it with Base64 encoding:

7. Add the signature and signature-input headers to the request

POST /endpoint?a=b HTTP/1.1
host: server
accept: application/json
authorization: Bearer access-token
content-length: 16
content-type: application/json
date: Wed, 06 Oct 2021 16:14:19 CEST
content-digest: sha-512=:Hd9/AvGZkbjitW1+Ml8Fg1ux1mtcDYe6mLQjDyoowIWa3LM/PmwN2v9O+MjtQGrCA3EQWUL54dlgxKHyYbrucw==:
expires: Wed, 06 Oct 2021 16:14:24 CEST
idempotency-key: 2133825797664cad
signature: sig1=:MIGHAkIAoTnL0VRsu66l+nb91Dfhpq+Fr88fdiy+FgkuYjRjQh0IFROEUEjFQOj5tPu+Ms5Z4llhWhGSw602ZivIZWwum8gCQWPUTjp9zAT8KgkH1Dynxw0nmYHZPAOaLKT2mGZ1YI/o6OjBVy5RkdGVw80IWc0QM3XXeoyH7A+EKdJ2wvUAvBQp:
signature-input: sig1=("@method" "@path" "@query" "accept" "authorization" "content-length" "content-type" "content-digest" "idempotency-key" "upvest-client-id");keyid="8d4997a8-cf7a-4e51-adbb-401656a3e5c2";created=1633529659;expires=1633529664;nonce="o085M4cMgpbicuOL"
upvest-client-id: 5ec16164-6173-461d-b90d-116d68f55b40

{"key": "value"}

Supported signing key algorithms

For the signature verification, the Investment API supports the following algorithms:


The supported version of the ECDSA signing algorithm uses the P-521 curve and SHA-512 hashing link.

Private key generation with password protection as supported by the HTTP signature proxy:

openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp521r1 -outform PEM | openssl ec -aes256 -inform PEM -outform PEM -out ecdsa521.priv

Alternatively, but less secure (and not supported by the HTTP signature proxy), you can generate the private key without encrypting it:

openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp521r1 -outform PEM -out ecdsa521-unencrypted.priv

You can then encrypt it in a separate step after creation:

openssl ec -aes256 -inform PEM -outform PEM -in ecdsa521-unencrypted.priv -out ecdsa521.priv

Public key extraction:

openssl pkey -pubout -in ecdsa521.priv >


ED25519 signing algorithm uses the Curve255191 curve and SHA-512 hashing link.


Currently, our open-source HTTP Signature Proxy does not support ED25519 signing keys.

Private key generation with password protection:

openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -aes256 -outform PEM -out ed25519.priv

Alternatively, but less secure, you can generate the private key without encrypting it:

openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -outform PEM -out ed25519-unencrypted.priv

You can then encrypt it in a separate step after creation:

openssl pkey -aes256 -inform PEM -outform PEM -in ed25519-unencrypted.priv -out ed25519.priv

Public key extraction:

openssl pkey -pubout -in ed25519.priv >

For MacOS users, install the latest OpenSSL using Homebrew (or other package manager of your choice) to be able to generate a ED25519 key pair. The LibreSSL version that is included in MacOS does not support ED25519.

brew install openssl
/usr/local/opt/openssl@3/bin/openssl version

Base64 encoding

For all calculations of Base64 values, the Investment API uses Base64 encoding with the standard alphabet and padding as defined in RFC 4648 section 4. To validate your implementation use the following examples:


ValueExpected Base64 value