API Errors

The Upvest Investment API uses standard HTTP status codes and RFC9457 error types. The following table gives you an overview of all codes and error types.

Usually response codes in the range 2xx indicate a successful response, in the range 4xx a client error and in the range 5xx a server error (these are rare, however).

CodeRFC9457 Error TypeDescription
400Bad RequestThe request contains some data which format does not conform to one that we expect. Check details value of the response to get additional information.
400Missing Client IDThe upvest-client-id header is missing in the request.
400Missing Idempotency KeyThe request you are trying to execute requires idempotency-key in the header of the request.
401UnauthorisedThe call can not be authorised.
403Forbidden The request you are trying to execute requires certain authorisations associated with the access token you pass to the call.
404Not FoundThe server cannot find the requested resource.
406Not AcceptableThe server cannot generate a response that matches the list of acceptable values defined in the request's proactive content negotiation headers, also the server is unwilling to provide a default representation.
409ConflictAn operation is not available for the current status of the resource.
422Unprocessable EntityAn entity could not be processed due to a semantic error.
429Too Many RequestsYou have sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
500Internal Server ErrorThe call has failed due to an internal problem. Our monitoring system has triggered an alert, and the issue is being investigated and resolved by our engineering team.
503Service UnavailableThe server is not ready to handle the request.
504Gateway TimeoutThe server acted as a gateway or proxy and did not receive a timely response from the upstream server.

In the subchapters you will find the exact error descriptions and possible solutions for the Upvest-specific error types.

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