API status

HTTP status codes

We return the following HTTP status codes from our endpoints.

Success status codes (2xx)

HTTP status codeStatus messagePurpose
200OKThe call has been completed.
201CreatedThe new resource has been fully created.
202AcceptedThe request processing has been started succesfully but will be completed asynchronously.
204No ContentThe resource has been succesfully deleted.

Client error status codes (4xx)

HTTP status codeStatus messagePurpose
400Bad RequestThe incoming request was malformed.
401UnauthorizedThe caller could not be authenticated.
403ForbiddenThe caller is not allowed to take this action.
404Not FoundThe specified resource was not found.
405Method Not AllowedThe requested HTTP method is not allowed on this resource.
406Not AcceptableThe resource does not have a current representation that would be acceptable to the user agent. The "Accept" header defined an unsupported value.
426Upgrade RequiredThe request was made for an older version of the API, after it has been retired.
429Too Many RequestsThe caller was throttled due to exceeding the call quota.

Server error status codes (5xx)

HTTP status codeStatus messagePurpose
500Internal Server ErrorSomething unexpectedly went wrong with the service. Please reach out to our support.
503Service UnavailableAn internal service could not be reached. Please try again.