Requesting API credentials
If you have been following the "Getting Started" tutorial you will have received a link to an online form entitled "Investment API credentials request". If you have not received such a link, please check that you fulfil the precondtions for access to the Investment API.
Implementation steps
- Gather the required information
You'll need to provide the following information to complete the "Investment API credentials request".
- Your email address.
- The email address of the person from Upvest who sent you the form.
- The legal name of the company you work for.
- The legal address of the company you work for.
- The VAT number of the company you work for.
- Which environment you're requesting credentials for (Sandbox or Live).
- The operating model you'll be using, one of the following:
Take Our License
Bring Your Own License / Single Accounts
Bring Your Own License / Omnibus
- The email address of the primary technical contact at your company.
- A telephone number for a contact at your company that we can call in the event of an emergency.
- An email address we can use to notify your in the event that we are unable to call a Webhook endpoint you provide.
- The public key you created in the Tech Setup stage of the tutorial.
As a "Take Our License" client, you will also need either to g ive consent to us to use the "Default Bucket" to exchange documents with you in the Sandbox environment or:
- The PGP encrypted cloud storage bucket credentials you created in Tech Setup stage of the tutorial.
- The URL of a dummy file in your cloud storage bucket that we can use to test connectivity.
- Submit your request
Once you have completed this form and submitted it to us, we will contact you to finalise any missing details and then securely communicate your API credentials to you.
If you provided credentials for a cloud storage bucket, we'll test the bucket connectivity using the dummy file you provided during this time.
Please note that the credentials provided to us will be stored securely in Upvest's secret manager.
Next steps
Return to the "Getting Started" tutorial and continue with Checking access to the default bucket.