SEPA Credit Transfer Testing

The Investment API provides you with an endpoint to execute a bank transaction for testing purposes. This can be used to simulate a money transfer for various movements that require cash settlements in one of our bank accounts.

In this section, we describe how you can test a SEPA credit transfer.


Before testing SEPA credit transfers, please make sure that

  • a reference account is registered for the account group

  • this feature is enabled for you.

Triggering a bank transaction

To simulate SEPA transfers, you can trigger a bank transaction with the following call:

POST /tests/payments/transactions

Example request

  "account": {
    "iban": "NL70ABNA0106295004"
  "amount": "1000.37",
  "currency": "EUR",
  "client_reference": "054540402",
  "remittance_information": "CF960253053",
  "counterparty_name": "Marcel Schwarz",
  "counterparty_account": {
    "iban": "DE95500105173934555844"
  "counterparty_agent": {
    "bic": "DEUTDEFF"

It is important that the following fields are correctly filled in, as this information is used to assign the transfer to the corresponding account group:

accountSpecify the following IBAN NL70ABNA0106295004. This is our pooling account with ABN Amro.
currencyThe currency must be EUR.
remittance_informationEnter ‘CF’ and the 9-digit securities account number as the transfer details.
Example: CF960253053.
You can retrieve the securities account number by querying the user's account groups.
counterparty_nameSpecify the counterparty name, which must match the name of the user who is the owner of the securities account.

The content of the other fields (client_reference, counterparty_account, counterparty_agent) is not relevant for the simulation as they are ignored when matching the bank transaction. You only need to ensure that the content passes the API validation.

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