Portfolio allocations


Before you can list portfolio allocations, you must have created at least one portfolio allocation. See the Creating portfolio allocations step of this guide for details.

Prior to making a portfolio allocation, we need to be able to retrieve and review it.

Listing portfolio allocations

You can list all created portfolio allocations as follows:

GET /portfolios/allocations

To get a more selective overview of portfolio allocations, query the list endpoint using the following parameters:

Query parameterDescription
instrument_idsFilters the list to show only portfolio allocations that contain the specified instruments. instrument_ids can have either the format ISIN or UUID.
start_dateFilters the list to show only portfolio allocations created as of this date.
You can combine start_date and end_date to filter by a range of dates.
end_dateFilters the list to show only portfolio allocations that were created up to this date.
You can combine start_date and end_date to filter by a range of dates.

You can retrieve a single allocation by referencing its allocation_id:

GET /portfolios/allocations/{allocation_id}.

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