Tracing a liquidation request

This section summarises the sequence of events that allow you to track a liquidation and the associated individual orders in their entirety.

  1. Account_liquidation.NEW
    You receive this webhook when the request for liquidation has been placed via the Investment API. It contains the generic metadata and an empty list of individual orders.

  2. Account_liquidation.PROCESSING
    You receive this webhook when the first individual order in the list is executed, i.e. when the status of the individual order changes from NEW to PROCESSING.

    • a) Individual_order.NEW You receive this webhook for each individual order that is created.
    • b) Individual_order.PROCESSING You receive this webhook for each individual order that changes status to PROCESSING.
    • c) Individual_order.FILLED You receive this webhook when an individual order has been completely executed.
    • d) Steps a to c are repeated until all individual orders have the status FILLED.
  3. Account_liquidation.FILLED
    You receive this webhook when the liquidation is completed and the user's investment account is empty, i.e. there are no more open securities positions.

To make tracing and mapping of individual orders as easy and seamless as possible, each individual order executed in step 3 carries the corresponding account_liquidation_id. The liquidation ID can be found in the client_reference field of the individual order object. For more information, see the relevant API specification.

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