API status

Placing a nominal buy order

To place a nominal buy order, send

POST /orders


  "user_id": "2dedfeb0-58cd-44f2-ae08-0e41fe0413d9",
  "account_id": "debf2026-f2da-4ff0-bb84-92e45babb1e3",
  "cash_amount": "1000",
  "currency": "EUR",
  "side": "BUY",
  "instrument_id": "US0378331005",
  "instrument_id_type": "ISIN",
  "order_type": "MARKET",
  "user_instrument_fit_acknowledgement": true,
  "limit_price": "",
  "stop_price": "",
  "fee_configuration": [
      "cash_amount": "0.90",
      "currency": "EUR",
      "type": "TRANSACTION_FEE_BUY",
      "charge_method": "CHARGED_BY_CLIENT",
      "value_type": "ABSOLUTE"


For the nominal buy order call, you need to provide the following attributes in the request payload. Any other required order data is populated by Upvest.

cash_amountRequired:Specify the cash amount. You can omit the share quantity (vice versa for a unit order), “BUY”` as order side
currencyRequired: Since each account group will have the cash balance for a specific currency, the currency for the order should be supported by that account group (for example, EUR or GBP).
instrument_idRequired: Specify the specific ISIN you want to trade in.
instrument_id_typeRequired: The type of the ID used in the request.
Example: ISIN
client_referenceOptional: You can also provide your own generated order ID. This, for example, allows you to map orders back to your end-users in an easy manner.
NOTE: It does not have to be your order ID, it can be anything that you deem relevant, i.e. there is no guarantee that this value is unique.
user_instrument_fit_acknowledgementOptional: true: This check has been carried out. If this field is empty, i.e. has not been performed, Upvest would reject the order.
NOTE: Please note that Upvest only takes into account whether the check has been performed or not. If the user has provided you with evidence of non-instrument suitability, but has accepted the associated risks that you have informed them about, we will accept the order.
order_typeRequired: The Investment API is designed to support MARKET, LIMIT, and STOP (Market) orders.
NOTE: LIMIT and STOP orders can only be placed as full unit orders, i.e. you can only Buy/Sell 1, 2, 3 shares of an instrument.
limit_priceConditional: Must be specified for LIMIT orders. The order is to be executed at the specified price (or better).
stop_priceConditional: Must be specified for STOP orders. The trigger price at which the order is automatically placed as a market order.
NOTE: Placing a Stop Buy order with a stop_price below the current market price will result in an order cancellation because the market price might be more than the available cash amount on the account.
expiry_dateOptional: For LIMIT and STOP orders it is the validity of order as the last day the order can trade (default is good-until-cancelled in case of absence of this field).
fee_configurationOptional: Fee configuration with the following settings:
- cash_amount
- charge_method: Indicates whether the fee will be charged by the client or by other methods.
- currency
- type: Possible values for the fee type are TRANSACTION_FEE_BUY OR TRANSACTION_FEE_SELL
- value_type: The value must be ABSOLUTE

After a successful order request, the sample response for the above will look as follows:

Webhooks notify you of events in business processes, not the success or failure of the initialisation of those processes.

Please be sure to check the HTTP status of the response to your requests and handle failure cases appropriately.


Once all relevant order checks have been passed, the order transitions from NEW to the PROCESSING status and you will receive a webhook for an order event. At this point, the order can no longer be cancelled via the Investment API.

In addition to the status field, you will also see the initiation_flow used during order creation. The different values will give you insight into what triggered the order:

The values you can see depend on whether a certain feature is activated for you (such as Portfolio and Reinvestment functionality).

State transition

APIThe order was created via the POST /orders endpoint.
PORTFOLIOAn order is a result of a portfolio order placed via the POST /portfolios/orders endpoint.
PORTFOLIO_REBALANCINGAn order as a result of rebalancing to achieve the target weight of a given portfolio.
SELL_TO_COVER_FEESA sell order as a result of selling a position to collect fees from end users.
SELL_TO_COVER_TAXESA sell order as a result of selling a position to take in pre-payment income taxes, i.e. 'Vorabpauschale', from end users (only applicable to ETFs and mutual funds).
CASH_DIVIDEND_REINVESTMENTAn order as a result of automatically reinvested cash dividends.

After the checks the order gets executed at our trading partner and you will receive an order execution FILLED webhook for each execution, followed by an order FILLED webhook once the order is completely filled, including the amount of fees charged (if applicable). This means that executions will contain all order executions associated with this order.

Additionally, taxes get incurred with "type": "TOTAL" for buy orders where financial transaction taxes apply. This means that cash_amount + taxes.amount is deducted from the cash balance. You will also be able to see the total amount paid for such orders in the cash balance update event. For taxes incurred on sell orders see Placing a unit sell order.