User offboarding

In this guide you will learn how to offboard users from the Investment API.


 ✓   Onboard users

Before you can offboard a user, that user must already be onboarded in the Investment API. Find out how to do so in our User onboarding guide.

 ✓   Close accounts and account groups

Before a user can be offboarded, all accounts and account groups of the user must be closed. To find out how to close accounts and account groups please refer to the Account closure guide.

   Offboarding a user

Offboarding a user is the final step in removing a user from the Investment API. Before a user can be offboarded, all accounts and account groups of the user must be closed. To find out how to close accounts and account groups please refer to the Account closure guide.

For more context on the different statusvalues a user can have, see the User onboarding guide.


You will always be able to retrieve historical information about users who are already offboarded. (At least for the period Upvest is obliged to keep the data after the user has been offboarded).

1   User delete request

You can initiate the offboarding of a user by sending

DELETE /users/{user_id}

2   Monitor user offboarding

Offboarding a user is not necessarily instant. You may wish to monitor the process.

When you initiate offboarding, the user status is changed to OFFBOARDING. The user remains in this status until there are no open account groups and no pending regulatory reporting (e.g., annual tax statements).

As soon as all requirements are met, the user status is set to OFFBOARDED.

To monitor the status of the users offboarding you can look directly at the User:

GET /users/{user_id}

3   Getting notification of completion

To inform you of the final offboarding of the user, you will receive a webhook with the corresponding user offboarded event.


You can now offboard users from the Upvest investment API.

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