End user report types

Overview of end user reports

Upvest provides the following list of user facing reports via its API:

ActivityUpvest service
Securities account administration- Securities account opening
- Securities account closure
- Securities account outgoing transfer
- Securities account incoming transfer
- Quarterly account statement
- Generic communication (creation of custom “one-off” reports, e.g. for special circumstances)
Billing statements- Buy order
- Sell order
- Canceled order (not yet executed, user cancels or tradegate canceled)
- Revoked order ("Storno")
Corporate actions- Income distribution / cash dividend report (dividends for stocks and income distributions for ETFs)
- Other corporate action billing reports
Tax related reports- Annual tax reporting (“Jahressteuerbescheinigunug” / JStB)
- Annual tax income statement ("Erträgnisaufstellung")
- Tax lump-sum tax prepayment statement (“Vorabpauschale”)
- Tax refund document (after tax optimization)
MiFID II - cost transparency- Ex-ante cost information [to be covered separately below]
- Ex-post cost information (annual)

Substitute report

A substitute report is created if there is a mistrade.

This is the case when a user order has been incorrectly executed by the respective exchange. Mistrades only become known retrospectively, i.e. only after the order has been marked as fully executed. If this occurs, the user has already received a report on the buy or sell order. As soon as the mistrade has been cancelled by the exchange, our system creates a REVOKED_ORDER report to inform you and the user about the process.

The webhook sent for this new report on the cancelled order will contain the report_id of the buy or sell report that was previously generated. See section Accessing end user reports .

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